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Access for subscribers

Your account

You can find complete and up-to-date information about your account status on the online accounts webpages of Carrefour Belgium.

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Payment of your invoices

The website gives you direct access to the payment details and dates for any invoices that you have submitted for approval, and also provides a record of all invoices from the last twelve months.

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Financing your invoices

The website also provides an efficient system for requesting an online financing for your approved invoices in the form of an off-balance-sheet bank credit authorised by a Carrefour Belgium representative.

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Invoices & disputes

Carrefour Belgium periodically issues its suppliers with invoices, notably for services provided as part of agreed business collaborations. Furthermore, where any supplies differ from the 'prices' or 'quantities' agreed, Carrefour Belgium issues debit notes, subtracted from the suppliers’ invoices.

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